
SURA Market Day


On May 8th, Canberra’s QT Hotel played host to the highly anticipated SURA Market Day. Welcoming over 45 brokers, the event proved to be an invaluable opportunity for the local industry to connect with our Senior Management team and learn about SURA, the broader group of Austagencies and the products they offer.

A highlight of the day was Robert de Castella (Deek), whose presentation resonated deeply with the attendees. He spoke about his running career, losing his home in the Canberra Bushfires and offering his perspective on bouncing back from adversity. This presentation was followed by a very interesting Q&A session.

Moreover, the event was set up to provide a unique environment for brokers to delve into SURA’s product offering, presented by a select group of national managers and underwriters representing our agencies . Also the attendees got to watch the premiere of the new ‘SURA Be Surer’ brand video which was incredibly well received!

From engaging networking discussions to fascinating presentations, the SURA Market Day was a wonderful space for fostering connections and knowledge-sharing. Attendees departed with not only a deeper understanding of our current offerings but also of SURA as a whole.